* Updates * 

  • Do NOT remove the “all” in the language script (Decline-Windows10Languages.ps1) as I did in the video at 25:14. This change is not required or recommended.
  • It’s recommended to first run the script with the -Whatif switch or option in the config.ini to see what will be declined.
  • Update: in the latest script, you can use a config.ini file rather than a bunch of PowerShell parameters. Here’s the config.ini I’m now using instead of parameters.
    • Here’s what the updated script folder structure looks like
      • wsuscleanupscript-newfiles





In this video guide, we will walk through the process of maintaining our WSUS catalog to reduce the catalog size and client scanning issues. In this guide, we will cover ensuring the IIS AppPool for WSUS is improved, indexing the SUSDB, setting up a task to run a script to automatically decline any superseded updates, change the wsyncmgr purge of expired updates from 7 days to 0. and compare the initial catalog download size on a client.

There’s a lot of good WSUS maintenance scripts out there now. In my video, I used Bryan Dam’s scriptSee the resources below for a lot of great information that will be helpful in addition to what I cover.

Creating a Scheduled Task to Automate the Declining of Updates

  • Scheduled Task Options for Bryan Dam’s WSUS Scripts

Topics in Video

Resources for This Guide:

Arguments for Scheduled Task:

Note: you will need to change the script path

-NoLogo -NoProfile -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -command J:ScriptsInvoke-DGASoftwareUpdateMaintenance.ps1 -DeclineSuperseded -UpdateListOutputFile J:ScriptsDeclinedUpdates.csv -DeclineByTitle @('*Itanium*','*ia64*','*Beta*') -DeclineByPlugins -CleanSUGs -RemoveEmptySUGs -RunCleanUpWizard -Force