- In this video guide, we will be reviewing how to use CMPivot in SCCM to query entities in real-time and take action on results using the Scripts feature in SCCM. CMPivot is a new in-console utility that now provides access to real-time state of devices in your environment. It immediately runs a query on all currently connected devices in the target collection and returns the results. Then filter and group this data in the tool. By providing real-time data from online clients, you can more quickly answer business questions, troubleshoot issues, and respond to security incidents. (From MS Docs)
Topics in Video
- A quick overview of CMPivot – https://youtu.be/bnZlapKHIh8?t=95
- CMPivot operators in Kusto – https://youtu.be/bnZlapKHIh8?t=219
- Running CMPivot against a collection – https://youtu.be/bnZlapKHIh8?t=253
- Query InstalledSoftware, Filter to Google Chrome, Add version filter, list in piechart – https://youtu.be/bnZlapKHIh8?t=353
- Query local Administrators – https://youtu.be/bnZlapKHIh8?t=649
- Query 32-bit operating systems – https://youtu.be/bnZlapKHIh8?t=714
- Query running process – https://youtu.be/bnZlapKHIh8?t=786
- Query where SMB1 is enabled – https://youtu.be/bnZlapKHIh8?t=813
- Query AutoStartSoftware where it’s from the user registry, and a specific startup process name – https://youtu.be/bnZlapKHIh8?t=878
- Review pre-built scripts we will use to take action on CMPivot results – https://youtu.be/bnZlapKHIh8?t=966
- Use CMPivot registry query to find where the EnableJavaUpdate registry value = 1 then use a Script to set the EnableJavaUpdate value to 0 – https://youtu.be/bnZlapKHIh8?t=988
- Review the process flow for CMPivot queries and scripts (BgbServer > CcmNotificationAgent > Scripts > StateMessage > statesys) – https://youtu.be/bnZlapKHIh8?t=1150
- Query where the Google Homepage RegValue != to an expected homepage value and use a script to set the Google Homepage to the expected value – https://youtu.be/bnZlapKHIh8?t=1343
- Query all Java 8 Installations, exclude (64-bit) Java 8 installations, run scripts to uninstall all Java 8 (32-bit installations) – https://youtu.be/bnZlapKHIh8?t=1784
Helpful Resources:
- CMPivot for real-time data in Configuration Manager – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/core/servers/manage/cmpivot
- Kusto Query Language – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/kusto/query/
- Troubleshooting CMPivot – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/core/servers/manage/cmpivot-tsg
- Create and run PowerShell scripts from the Configuration Manager console – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/create-deploy-scripts
- CMPivot operators – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/core/servers/manage/cmpivot#bkmk_cmpivot-operators
- CMPivot and PowerShell Resource Files – CMPivot Resource Files
Its a really nice website. Thanks for giving full information about SCCM Training.
Thank you. Great intro to CMPivot!
Thanks for the feedback.