- In this video guide, we will be covering how to create, manage, and deploy applications in System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM). We will create applications for Notepad++, Google Chrome, Flash Player, and 7-Zip. This guide will cover both MSI and EXE based application creation and deployment. We also include the components of applications including deployment types, content, detection methods, requirements, supersedence, dependencies and more.
Topics in Video
- Creating an application for 7-Zip – https://youtu.be/G4iyyq_UlDA?t=70
- Adding OR condition for detection method for 7-Zip – x64 – MSI based deployment type for version >= for file/registry value – https://youtu.be/G4iyyq_UlDA?t=639
- Add requirements for 7-Zip – x64 – MSI based deployment type – https://youtu.be/G4iyyq_UlDA?t=784
- Creation x86 deployment type for the 7-Zip application – https://youtu.be/G4iyyq_UlDA?t=870
- Deploy the 7-Zip application to All Users collection – https://youtu.be/G4iyyq_UlDA?t=1047
- Creating an application for EXE based installer for Notepad++ – https://youtu.be/G4iyyq_UlDA?t=1119
- Finding the silent install commands for EXE installers – https://youtu.be/G4iyyq_UlDA?t=1250
- Creating a detection method for the EXE based install of Notepad++ using the DisplayVersion value of the Uninstall registry key – https://youtu.be/G4iyyq_UlDA?t=1419
- Create an application for Google Chrome x64 and x86 – https://youtu.be/G4iyyq_UlDA?t=1749
- Create Application for Adobe Flash Player PPAPI (Chrome) – https://youtu.be/G4iyyq_UlDA?t=1894
- Creation a dependency for Google Chrome to be dependent on Adobe Flash Player for Chrome to show how to create dependencies – https://youtu.be/y7w7hBSHShc?t=2013
- Create deployment that requires approval – https://youtu.be/G4iyyq_UlDA?t=2169
- Reviewing available applications in software center – https://youtu.be/G4iyyq_UlDA?t=2199
- Install 7-Zip and review MSI install progress in the appenforce.log – https://youtu.be/G4iyyq_UlDA?t=2227
- Install Google Chrome and review how the Flash Player dependency also installs – https://youtu.be/G4iyyq_UlDA?t=2285
- Request the Notepad++ install from software center the requires approval – https://youtu.be/G4iyyq_UlDA?t=2343
- Create an updated application for 7-Zip and configure supersedence – https://youtu.be/G4iyyq_UlDA?t=2439
Helpful Resources:
- Create applications in Configuration Manager – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/create-applications
- Manually specify application information- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/create-applications#bkmk_manual-app
- Create deployment types for the application – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/create-applications#bkmk_create-dt
- Deployment type Detection Method options – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/create-applications#bkmk_dt-detect
- About custom script detection methods – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/create-applications#about-custom-script-detection-methods
- Deployment type Requirements – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/create-applications#bkmk_dt-require
- Deployment type Dependencies – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/create-applications#bkmk_dt-depend
- Create Windows applications in Configuration Manager – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/apps/get-started/creating-windows-applications
- Deploy applications with Configuration Manager – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/deploy-applications
- Approval settings – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/deploy-applications#bkmk_approval
- Deployment User Experience settings – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/deploy-applications#bkmk_deploy-ux
- User notifications for required deployments – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/deploy-applications#bkmk_notify
- Check for running executable files – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/deploy-applications#bkmk_exe-check
- Approve applications in Configuration Manager – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/app-approval
- Email notifications for Application Approvals – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/app-approval#bkmk_email-approve
- Monitor applications from the System Center Configuration Manager console – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/monitor-applications-from-the-console
- Update and retire applications with System Center Configuration Manager – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/update-and-retire-applications
- Application supersedence – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/revise-and-supersede-applications#application-supersedence
- Decide whether to upgrade or replace an application – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/revise-and-supersede-applications#decide-whether-to-upgrade-or-replace-an-application
- Uninstall applications with System Center Configuration Manager – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/uninstall-applications
Justin – Thank you! This guide is excellent.
Thanks for watching!
Justin – I always thought that Chrome now comes with Flash built in. Is it necessary to install Flash PPAPI plug in?
Great question, I think it does. This may be more for Chromium browser like Opera as well https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/about/
Great as usual. How would you configure the deployment types, that would include some type of post installation configuration. Say copying a license file, a configuration file or some connection settings?
excellent again. It’s very easy to understand the way you put an each of these SCCM topics and most important is all covered in details. Appreciate!!!
Thanks for the feedback!
Hey Justin,
I have been watching your video tutorials and I am really impressed and thankful for all the content. Do you have any upcoming content for Dynamic Collections and deploying Applications to those Dynamic Collections and then the Devices in the Collections will drop off as the Application is deployed?
If I did a horrible job explaining what I’m hoping to gain, please let me know!
Thanks again and keep the content coming!
Probably will do something like this in the future.
Thumbs up!
Hello Justin,
First, Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge in the SCCM Realm. Your videos are nice and easy to follow and have helped me quite a bit. It is greatly appreciated!
Second, Is there any appetite for creating an instructional on deploying Operating Systems with Task Sequences through SCCM? Example being, Deploy OS, Deploy Task Sequence for Adobe, Deploy Task Sequence for Putty, etc.. maybe sneak in a Domain Join at the same time.
Thank you and please continue your contribution of SCCM knowledge to the community.
I already have an OSD guide that covers this topic.
Yes you do, i dont know how i overlooked/did not see it. Thank you.
Hello Justin,
Thank you for the video. Really helpful. Do you have any powershell script for creating the source folder structure which includes the OSD, Applications, drivers etc.
Thank you
Thank you very much for such an insightful video. I’m much much more enlightened now.
Thanks for watching!
Thank you veruy much for the best explanation ever to deploy applications
Thanks for watching!
Thank you very much for sharing your detailed knowledge. Really helped a lot in understanding it much better !!
Thanks for watching it.
Great job Justin. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with all of us. I am new on this and this is the best video that I have watched.
Thanks for watching!
At what point in time would you remove older application versions and deployments that are superseded?
Hi, I saw your tutorial and noticed that you use a guide file. Is it possible to have a copy?