WSUS Archives - Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides Just Another SCCM Blogger Sat, 07 Aug 2021 20:42:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 WSUS Archives - Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides 32 32 Deep Dive How to Configure a Shared WSUS Database for Multiple SUPs in SCCM Mon, 11 Feb 2019 14:21:14 +0000 The post Deep Dive How to Configure a Shared WSUS Database for Multiple SUPs in SCCM appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.



  • In this video guide, we will be covering how to use a shared WSUS database for multiple software update points in SCCM. Using a shared WSUS Database is generally considered a best practice in well-connected scenarios since this offloads the vast majority of network impact if a client were to switch SUPs in SCCM.

Topics in Video

Commands and Notes:

  • Powershell command to see WSUS installed role services: Get-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices*
  • Powershell command to remove WSUS WidDB: Remove-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices-WidDB
  • Powershell command to install WSUS SQL Database Connectivity: Install-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices-DB
    • SQL_INSTANCE_NAME and CONTENT_DIR should be changed to for your environment details

Helpful Resources:

The post Deep Dive How to Configure a Shared WSUS Database for Multiple SUPs in SCCM appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.

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Deep Dive How to Migrate a WSUS Database from WID to SQL in SCCM Mon, 14 Jan 2019 11:58:15 +0000 The post Deep Dive How to Migrate a WSUS Database from WID to SQL in SCCM appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.



  • In this video guide, we will be covering how to migrate WSUS Database (SUSDB) from Windows Internal Database instance to SQL Server instance.

Topics in Video

Commands and Notes:

  • Connect to WID instance in SQL Management Studio of sqlcmd (Server 2012 or Newer): \\.\pipe\MICROSOFT##WID\tsql\query
  • Connect to WID instance in SQL Management Studio of sqlcmd (Server 2008 R2 or Older): \\.\pipe\MSSQL$MICROSOFT##SSEE\sql\query
  • Powershell command to see WSUS installed role services: Get-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices*
  • Powershell command to remove WSUS WidDB: Remove-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices-WidDB
  • Powershell command to install WSUS SQL Database Connectivity: Install-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices-DB
  • WsusUtil command: WsusUtil.exe postinstall SQL_INSTANCE_NAME=”SCUP.CONTOSO.LOCAL” CONTENT_DIR=”J:\WSUS”
    • SQL_INSTANCE_NAME and CONTENT_DIR should be changed to for your environment details

Helpful Resources:

The post Deep Dive How to Migrate a WSUS Database from WID to SQL in SCCM appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.

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How to Enable Third-Party Software Updates in SCCM Technical Preview 1806 Mon, 20 Aug 2018 23:10:00 +0000 The post How to Enable Third-Party Software Updates in SCCM Technical Preview 1806 appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.

Overview In this video guide, we will walk through the process of enabling third-party software updates in the SCCM technical preview 1806. Topics in Video Resources for This Guide:

The post How to Enable Third-Party Software Updates in SCCM Technical Preview 1806 appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.

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Deep Dive Maintaining the WSUS Catalog by Declining Updates for Better Update Scanning Mon, 04 Jun 2018 16:50:05 +0000 The post Deep Dive Maintaining the WSUS Catalog by Declining Updates for Better Update Scanning appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.


 * Updates * 

  • Do NOT remove the “all” in the language script (Decline-Windows10Languages.ps1) as I did in the video at 25:14. This change is not required or recommended.
  • It’s recommended to first run the script with the -Whatif switch or option in the config.ini to see what will be declined.
  • Update: in the latest script, you can use a config.ini file rather than a bunch of PowerShell parameters. Here’s the config.ini I’m now using instead of parameters.
    • Here’s what the updated script folder structure looks like
      • wsuscleanupscript-newfiles





In this video guide, we will walk through the process of maintaining our WSUS catalog to reduce the catalog size and client scanning issues. In this guide, we will cover ensuring the IIS AppPool for WSUS is improved, indexing the SUSDB, setting up a task to run a script to automatically decline any superseded updates, change the wsyncmgr purge of expired updates from 7 days to 0. and compare the initial catalog download size on a client.

There’s a lot of good WSUS maintenance scripts out there now. In my video, I used Bryan Dam’s scriptSee the resources below for a lot of great information that will be helpful in addition to what I cover.

Creating a Scheduled Task to Automate the Declining of Updates

  • Scheduled Task Options for Bryan Dam’s WSUS Scripts

Topics in Video

Resources for This Guide:

Arguments for Scheduled Task:

Note: you will need to change the script path

-NoLogo -NoProfile -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -command J:ScriptsInvoke-DGASoftwareUpdateMaintenance.ps1 -DeclineSuperseded -UpdateListOutputFile J:ScriptsDeclinedUpdates.csv -DeclineByTitle @('*Itanium*','*ia64*','*Beta*') -DeclineByPlugins -CleanSUGs -RemoveEmptySUGs -RunCleanUpWizard -Force

The post Deep Dive Maintaining the WSUS Catalog by Declining Updates for Better Update Scanning appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.

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