Software Updates Archives - Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides Just Another SCCM Blogger Sat, 07 Aug 2021 20:21:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Software Updates Archives - Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides 32 32 Deep Dive How to Configure a Shared WSUS Database for Multiple SUPs in SCCM Mon, 11 Feb 2019 14:21:14 +0000 The post Deep Dive How to Configure a Shared WSUS Database for Multiple SUPs in SCCM appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.



  • In this video guide, we will be covering how to use a shared WSUS database for multiple software update points in SCCM. Using a shared WSUS Database is generally considered a best practice in well-connected scenarios since this offloads the vast majority of network impact if a client were to switch SUPs in SCCM.

Topics in Video

Commands and Notes:

  • Powershell command to see WSUS installed role services: Get-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices*
  • Powershell command to remove WSUS WidDB: Remove-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices-WidDB
  • Powershell command to install WSUS SQL Database Connectivity: Install-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices-DB
    • SQL_INSTANCE_NAME and CONTENT_DIR should be changed to for your environment details

Helpful Resources:

The post Deep Dive How to Configure a Shared WSUS Database for Multiple SUPs in SCCM appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.

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Deep Dive How to Migrate a WSUS Database from WID to SQL in SCCM Mon, 14 Jan 2019 11:58:15 +0000 The post Deep Dive How to Migrate a WSUS Database from WID to SQL in SCCM appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.



  • In this video guide, we will be covering how to migrate WSUS Database (SUSDB) from Windows Internal Database instance to SQL Server instance.

Topics in Video

Commands and Notes:

  • Connect to WID instance in SQL Management Studio of sqlcmd (Server 2012 or Newer): \\.\pipe\MICROSOFT##WID\tsql\query
  • Connect to WID instance in SQL Management Studio of sqlcmd (Server 2008 R2 or Older): \\.\pipe\MSSQL$MICROSOFT##SSEE\sql\query
  • Powershell command to see WSUS installed role services: Get-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices*
  • Powershell command to remove WSUS WidDB: Remove-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices-WidDB
  • Powershell command to install WSUS SQL Database Connectivity: Install-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices-DB
  • WsusUtil command: WsusUtil.exe postinstall SQL_INSTANCE_NAME=”SCUP.CONTOSO.LOCAL” CONTENT_DIR=”J:\WSUS”
    • SQL_INSTANCE_NAME and CONTENT_DIR should be changed to for your environment details

Helpful Resources:

The post Deep Dive How to Migrate a WSUS Database from WID to SQL in SCCM appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.

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Deep Dive in Microsoft SCCM Software Updates Client and Server Components Fri, 08 Jun 2018 06:46:02 +0000 The post Deep Dive in Microsoft SCCM Software Updates Client and Server Components appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.



  • In this video guide, we will be performing a deep dive in the software updates feature in Microsoft SCCM. This will include client and server-side components. Some topics covered are client policy, scanning, WMI, StateMessages, StateMgr, Summarization and more!

Topics in Video

Notes From Justin

  • Helpful Logs for Software Updates
    • PolicyAgent.log – Records requests for policies made by using the Data Transfer Service.
    • PolicyEvaluator.log – Records details about the evaluation of policies on client computers, including policies from software updates.
    • LocationServices.log – Records the client activity for locating management points, software update points, and distribution points.
    • UpdatesHandler.log – Records details about software update compliance scanning and about the download and installation of software updates on the client.
    • RebootCoordinator.log – Records details about the coordination of system restarts on client computers after software update installations.
    • WUAHandler.log – Records details about the Windows Update Agent on the client when it searches for software updates.
    • UpdatesStore.log – Records details about compliance status for the software updates that were assessed during the compliance scan cycle.
    • ScanAgent.log – Records details about scan requests for software updates, the WSUS location, and related actions.
    • StateMessage.log – Records details about software update state messages that are created and sent to the management point.
    • UpdatesDeployment.log – Records details about deployments on the client, including software update activation, evaluation, and enforcement. Verbose logging shows additional information about the interaction with the client user interface.
    • statesys.log – Records the processing of state system messages. This log also shows the software update summarization task that run.
  • Helpful WMI Namespace and Classes
    • ROOT\ccm\Policy\Machine\ActualConfig:CCM_UpdateCIAssignment – This shows that we have the policy for the SUG Deployment ID
    • ROOT\ccm\ScanAgent:CCM_SUPLocationList – Shows SUP SCCM is set to use for scanning
    • ROOT\ccm\SoftwareUpdates\DeploymentAgent:CCM_TargetedUpdateEx1 – Shows all software updates targetting the device and the relevant information about the updates
    • ROOT\ccm\SoftwareUpdates\DeploymentAgent:CCM_AssignmentCompliance – Shows the different software update group deployments targetting the device and their compliance
    • ROOT\ccm\StateMsg:CCM_StateMsg – Shows all the state messages logged in WMI
  • Windows Update Log File PowerShell CMDlet
    • get-windowsupdatelog

Helpful Resources:

The post Deep Dive in Microsoft SCCM Software Updates Client and Server Components appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.

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Windows 10 Servicing Plans and In-Place Upgrades In Microsoft SCCM Sat, 02 Jun 2018 07:00:00 +0000 The post Windows 10 Servicing Plans and In-Place Upgrades In Microsoft SCCM appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.



  • In this video guide, we will be covering how you can manage Windows as a service using System Center Configuration Manager. This video will cover deploying Windows 10 Upgrades using the software updates feature for Windows 10 Upgrades. We will also review how you could use task sequences and operating system upgrade packages to upgrade Windows 10 with to allow custom actions. This will cover how to service (upgrade) existing Windows 10 machines to the latest builds as well of upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 10 using an in-place upgrade task sequence.

Topics in Video

Helpful Resources:

The post Windows 10 Servicing Plans and In-Place Upgrades In Microsoft SCCM appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.

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How to Deploy Software Updates Using Microsoft SCCM (ADRs, Update Groups, and More) Fri, 01 Jun 2018 14:02:00 +0000 The post How to Deploy Software Updates Using Microsoft SCCM (ADRs, Update Groups, and More) appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.




  • In this video guide, we will be covering how you can deploy software updates in Microsoft SCCM. This covers important aspects of deploying updates such as collection structure, maintenance windows, automatic deployment rules (ADRs), deadlines, and much more. This will be a great follow up from my last blog Deep Dive in Microsoft SCCM Software Updates Client and Server Components

Topics in Video

Notes From Justin

Helpful Resources:

The post How to Deploy Software Updates Using Microsoft SCCM (ADRs, Update Groups, and More) appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.

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