WSUS Archives - Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides Just Another SCCM Blogger Fri, 11 Mar 2022 19:49:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 WSUS Archives - Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides 32 32 Remove a Central Administration Site in Configuration Manager (SCCM) Fri, 11 Mar 2022 19:49:12 +0000 The post Remove a Central Administration Site in Configuration Manager (SCCM) appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.



  • In this video, we will review how to remove a central administration site in SCCM. We will cover the requirements for the removal and how to perform the removal.

Topics in Video

  • Introduction: (0:00)
  • DJam – History of CAS and Why They May Need to be Collapsed: (0:57)
  • Overview of Our Current Lab Environment & Plan for the CAS Removal: (11:26)
  • Reassigning Clients Before Uninstalling Second Primary Site: (14:11)
  • Removing Boundaries & Site System Roles Before Uninstalling Second Primary Site: (18:30)
  • Optional Step – Uninstall Client Agent Before Uninstalling Second Primary Site: (21:52)
  • Uninstall Second Primary Site: (22:55)
  • Removing Reporting Services Role from CAS & Reconfiguring on Standalone Primary Site: (25:36)
  • Going Over Site Roles That Do Not Need to be Removed from the CAS: (32:54)
  • Looking at Prerequisites to Remove the CAS: (34:26)
  • Removing the CAS: (34:50)
  • Unpublish CAS Object from Active Directory: (37:20)
  • Reviewing Standalone Primary Site after Removal of the CAS: (38:33)
  • Performing Post-Setup Tasks: (39:26)
  • Overview of Potential Hash Errors if you Manage Third-Party Updates: (41:44)
  • Exporting Patch My PC Publisher Settings & Certificate from CAS: (46:58)
  • Importing Publisher Settings & Certificate to Standalone Primary Site: (49:52)
  • Solution for Third-party Update Hash Errors After Removing the CAS: (52:24)
  • Reconfiguring Boundaries and Boundary Groups: (57:02)
  • Wrap-up: (59:03)

The post Remove a Central Administration Site in Configuration Manager (SCCM) appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.

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Deep Dive Configure a Software Update Point (WSUS) Server to Require SSL in SCCM Wed, 05 May 2021 13:24:17 +0000 The post Deep Dive Configure a Software Update Point (WSUS) Server to Require SSL in SCCM appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.




  • This video tutorial will describe how to configure WSUS to require SSL. This setting will ensure client scan for updates via your WSUS/SUP in Configuration Manager.

Topics in Video

  • Introduction: (0:00)
  • Review SUP/WSUS server that does not require SSL: (0:45)
  • Review the SCCM and WSUS Lab Setup: (2:30)
  • Create the certificate template to create an SSL certificate for WSUS: (3:00)
  • Issue the template for enrollment: (6:06)
  • Request the SSL certificate on the WSUS server using certlm.msc: (6:17)
  • Bind the SSL certificate to the WSUS Administration website in IIS: (8:30)
  • Verify WSUS is using SSL/HTTPS: (9:03) Configure SSL to be required on the WSUS server: (10:26)
  • Run wsusutil configuressl to configure WSUS to use SSL: (12:11)
  • Set the software update to point setting to require SSL communication to the WSUS server: (13:20)
  • Validate clients are now using SSL to scan against WSUS: (14:17)

    Helpful Resources:

    The post Deep Dive Configure a Software Update Point (WSUS) Server to Require SSL in SCCM appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.

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    Deep Dive How to Configure a Shared WSUS Database for Multiple SUPs in SCCM Mon, 11 Feb 2019 14:21:14 +0000 The post Deep Dive How to Configure a Shared WSUS Database for Multiple SUPs in SCCM appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.



    • In this video guide, we will be covering how to use a shared WSUS database for multiple software update points in SCCM. Using a shared WSUS Database is generally considered a best practice in well-connected scenarios since this offloads the vast majority of network impact if a client were to switch SUPs in SCCM.

    Topics in Video

    Commands and Notes:

    • Powershell command to see WSUS installed role services: Get-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices*
    • Powershell command to remove WSUS WidDB: Remove-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices-WidDB
    • Powershell command to install WSUS SQL Database Connectivity: Install-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices-DB
      • SQL_INSTANCE_NAME and CONTENT_DIR should be changed to for your environment details

    Helpful Resources:

    The post Deep Dive How to Configure a Shared WSUS Database for Multiple SUPs in SCCM appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.

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    Deep Dive How to Migrate a WSUS Database from WID to SQL in SCCM Mon, 14 Jan 2019 11:58:15 +0000 The post Deep Dive How to Migrate a WSUS Database from WID to SQL in SCCM appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.



    • In this video guide, we will be covering how to migrate WSUS Database (SUSDB) from Windows Internal Database instance to SQL Server instance.

    Topics in Video

    Commands and Notes:

    • Connect to WID instance in SQL Management Studio of sqlcmd (Server 2012 or Newer): \\.\pipe\MICROSOFT##WID\tsql\query
    • Connect to WID instance in SQL Management Studio of sqlcmd (Server 2008 R2 or Older): \\.\pipe\MSSQL$MICROSOFT##SSEE\sql\query
    • Powershell command to see WSUS installed role services: Get-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices*
    • Powershell command to remove WSUS WidDB: Remove-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices-WidDB
    • Powershell command to install WSUS SQL Database Connectivity: Install-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices-DB
    • WsusUtil command: WsusUtil.exe postinstall SQL_INSTANCE_NAME=”SCUP.CONTOSO.LOCAL” CONTENT_DIR=”J:\WSUS”
      • SQL_INSTANCE_NAME and CONTENT_DIR should be changed to for your environment details

    Helpful Resources:

    The post Deep Dive How to Migrate a WSUS Database from WID to SQL in SCCM appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.

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    How to Rebuild or Relocate a WSUS Server that is a ConfigMgr Software Update Point (SUP) Sat, 02 Jun 2018 10:00:00 +0000 The post How to Rebuild or Relocate a WSUS Server that is a ConfigMgr Software Update Point (SUP) appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.




    • This video tutorial will look at different scenarios within ConfigMgr where you may want to either rebuild or relocate a WSUS server. We will look at three different scenarios:
      Scenario 1: Full WSUS rebuild WSUS on existing Server/SUP
      Scenario 2: Migrate the WSUS server (SUSDB + Content + Frontend) to a new server
      Scenario 3: Migrate the WSUS server (Content + Frontend) to a new server use existing SQL

    Topics in Video

    • Introduction: (0:00)
    • Overview of the scenarios that will be covered: (0:39)
    • Verifying if you changed the IIS configurations for WSUS to the recommended settings: (2:50)
    • WSUS Maintenance and Supersedence Rules: (5:12) Jumping into Scenario 1: Full WSUS rebuild WSUS on existing Server/SUP: (8:56)
    • Reviewing the Products & Classification tab in the Software Update Point Component Properties: (9:41)
    • Running a Software Update Point Synchronization: (11:37)
    • Expired third-party updates in ConfigMgr: (12:55)
    • Purging expired third-party updates out of ConfigMgr Database: (16:18)
    • Unsubscribing from Third-Party Software Update Catalogs before WSUS rebuild: (17:43)
    • Uninstalling WSUS: (19:06)
    • Deleting WSUS database from SQL Server Management Studio: (21:16)
    • Clean install of WSUS: (23:00)
    • Restarting the SMS_WSUS_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER component: (26:39)
    • Run Software Update Point Sync to trigger WSUS to pull the latest catalog from Windows Update: (29:34)
    • Running WSUS Server Configuration Wizard: (32:54)
    • Viewing updated Products and Classification list in WSUS: (34:37)
    • Getting our products to configure in ConfigMgr: (34:50)
    • Running another SUP synchronization to pull down updates for products we have configured: (37:16)
    • Publishing third-party updates into WSUS (to be continued): (38:25)
    • Moving on to Scenario 2: Migrate the WSUS server (SUSBD + Content + Frontend) to a new server (40:33)
    • Verifying you’re not currently running a synchronization by viewing the wsyncmgr.log: (41:40)
    • Backing up SUSBD: (41:52)
    • Copying the SUSDB.bak file from Demo2 to the new remote sitesystem Server that we are migrating to: (43:03)
    • Copying WSUS content to the new remote sitesystem Server: (43:56)
    • Restore database on new remote sitesystem server: (45:20)
    • Install WSUS on the new remote server: (47:34)
    • Viewing updates in WSUS on the new remote server: (49:22)
    • Install an additional Software Update Point: (50:25)
    • Giving the remote server access to the SUSDB to do the maintenance to the database: (53:31)
    • Removing SUP role from Demo2 and make sitesystem the top-level SUP: (56:06)
    • Running a SUP sync: (57:00) Add new sitesystem server to our Boundary Group in ConfigMgr: (58:06)
    • Viewing the WCM.log and wsyncmgr.log to confirm synchronization completed: (58:37)
    • Viewing the LocationServices.log on our client to show that it detected the SUP change: (58:54)
    • Exporting our Patch My PC settings to the new remote sitesystem server: (59:22)
    • Run PowerShell script to remove some WSUS components that are no longer required on Demo2: (1:00:06)
    • Detach database from Demo2: (1:00:24)
    • Re-installing Patch My PC publisher and importing settings to new remote sitesystem server: (1:01:47)
    • Export WSUS certificate from Demo2 to new remote sitesystem server: (1:02:19)
    • Running a sync in the Patch My PC publisher: (1:03:42)
    • Revisiting Scenario 1 to verify WSUS is fully configured in ConfigMgr: (1:04:53)
    • Enable Patch My PC and SCUP Updates in SUP components product tab and Run a SUP sync: (1:05:18)
    • Verifying third-party updates synced into ConfigMgr: (1:06:23)
    • Jumping back into scenario 2 to check the IIS for best practice configurations: (1:06:53)
    • Starting Scenario 3: Migrate the WSUS server (Content + Frontend) to new server use existing SQL server: (1:08:00)
    • Creating a WSUS folder in the new remote sitesystem server: (1:09:44)
    • Verifying you’re not currently running a synchronization by viewing the wsyncmgr.log: (1:09:49)
    • Copying current WSUS folder to the new remote sitesystem Server: (1:10:14)
    • Install WSUS on the new remote server: (1:10:54)
    • Install an additional Software Update Point: (1:14:21)
    • Removing SUP role from Demo3 and make sitesystem the top-level SUP: ( 1:16:43)
    • Run a SUP sync: (1:17:31)
    • Run PowerShell script to remove some WSUS updateservices from Demo3: (1:18:07)
    • Verify WSUS is running on new remote sitesystem sever: (1:19:39)
    • Add new sitesystem server to our Boundary Group in ConfigMgr: (1:20:05)
    • Viewing the LocationServices.log and ScanAgent.log on our client to show that it detected the SUP change: (1:20:26)
    • Restart server and view WCM.log to verify that it successfully configured: (1:20:58)
    • Wrap-up: (1:21:32)

      Helpful Resources:

      The post How to Rebuild or Relocate a WSUS Server that is a ConfigMgr Software Update Point (SUP) appeared first on Justin Chalfant's SCCM Guides.

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